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Journey To Launch

Sep 29, 2021

In this solo episode, I dive deep into the concept of practical intelligence and how it has changed my life. Practical intelligence is the ability to apply, use, and implement what you know. That includes knowing what to say, to whom, when to say it, and how to say it for maximum effect.

I describe more about...

Sep 22, 2021

Dr. Adi Jaffee, author of “The Abstinence Myth” and nationally recognized expert on mental health, addiction, relationships and shame joins the podcast to discuss the ways we handle the labels that are bestowed upon us by society, and how we can break free from them while embracing our unique journeys. This powerful...

Sep 15, 2021

Dorianne St. Fleur, author of “Deeper Than Work: How Women of Color Can Make More Money, Have More Impact, and Thrive in the Corporate World,” joins the podcast to talk about how women, and Women of Color specifically, can leverage their 9-5 Corporate America careers to reach financial independence.

We discuss how...

Sep 8, 2021

Christine Platt, author of ‘'The Afrominimalist Guide To Living With Less,’ and pioneer behind The Afrominimalist, joins the podcast to talk about how she’s carving out space for BIPOC within the minimalist movement. We discuss her journey towards living with less and how she outlines the differences for...

Sep 1, 2021

Dr. Lakisha Simmons, fellow Journeyer and author, joins the podcast to share her inspirational story from growing up with almost nothing to saving & investing $750,000 in 4 years & reaching Financial Independence at 41 years old. We discuss how she was able to use her divorce as a kickoff for her FIRE (Financial...