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Journey To Launch

Mar 30, 2022

Chelsea Brennan, hedge fund investor turned online entrepreneur, joins the podcast to discuss the idea of creating a legacy and passing down generational wealth that goes far beyond any monetary amount.  Chelsea is owner and founder of Smart Money Mamas, a brand dedicated to helping moms make their money work for them...

Mar 23, 2022

Bill Perkins, author and founder, managing partner and head trader for Skylar Capital, joins the podcast to discuss how to live your best life no matter your income and his two decades of experience in the trading industry.

We talk about the importance of balancing your financial goals with your time-appropriate...

Mar 21, 2022

Lynnette Khalfani Cox, money coach, media personality, and personal finance author and expert, joins the podcast to discuss how FinTech is disrupting the traditional finance industry in all the best ways possible.

Lynnette once had $100,000 in credit card debt before paying it all off in three years, and turning her...

Mar 16, 2022

Keisha Blair, award-winning international best-selling author, trained economist, and founder of the Institute of Holistic Wealth, joins the podcast to discuss why it is so important to view wealth in a holistic perspective and how we can use this knowledge to redefine our relationship and definition of wealth in our...

Mar 9, 2022

Angela E. Matthews, investment coach, strategist, and founder of the Happy Investor Method™, joins the podcast to discuss her mission of making investing accessible and fun for all. 

In this episode, Angela explains the power of having your money make money, and how that compound interest allows you to have greater...